The Big Day, Part 2: In the Dining Room with the First Lady and Mr. President

AmberEvents & AnnouncementsLeave a Comment

July 09, 2013:

When we entered the dining room, the first thing I noticed was the huge United States map on the stage. It had the recipe names where the states would be.

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Then, I noticed all the cameras! There were so many! They are called the Press.


The tables were decorated with beautiful vegetable centerpieces.


We had assigned seats, so we went to table 1. It was right in front of the podium!


I found my name tag, and my mom’s tag. I saw an empty seat next to me, so I looked, and…OMG! OMG! OMG!

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I freaked out! So did my mom! I could not believe it! 


It took us a long time to calm down. Once we did, we were able to appreciate the beautiful table setting and the favors on the table. We got recipe cards in a box, and each card showed a recipe from a state. The menu was beautiful too.

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Soon, they announced Tanya Steel, the First Lady, and Haile Thomas, who I met yesterday. Tanya worked with Mrs. Obama to create this challenge! Thank you Tanya! What an amazing thing she did. Haile Thomas introduced the First Lady. Haile is amazing, she has done so much in her life, and she is only 12!


Mrs. Obama was so close to me when she was talking! She is a great speaker.



She gave a great speech, and encouraged us to keep spreading the word on health. I could not believe it when she mentioned me (around 16:15 in the video). I am so honored!!!!!!!


Then, Mrs. Obama came to sit next to me! I couldn’t believe it. I was a little nervous at first, and didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to stare since she was right next to me. But she is so nice, it was easy to talk to her. I asked her what her favorite part of being the First Lady is, and she said her favorite part is to come to events like this, and be with kids. 😀


I think the First Lady is thinking about stealing my cornbread. Haha! 😀


Mrs. Obama stayed at the table the entire time, except to talk at the podium, so we got a lot of time with her. We talked about a lot of things, like summer plans, how the White House is laid out, her (and the President’s) workout routine, their dog Bo, and growing organic vegetables.


She had on really pretty bracelets!


Here are some photos taken by the Press.

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Here is a video of us sitting with the First Lady at our table (starts about 00:25).

Tanya Steel was at our table too! We were so so lucky. She gave us tips on some places we should visit in Washington D.C.

Look at all of the cameras!


The main course was delicious and beautiful. Sam Kass is right – you can’t tell the pizza crust is gluten-free! It was so yummy! I want to make this at home. The girl who made it had on the same dress as me! The chicken lettuce wrap and salad were delicious too!


Then, Michelle Obama got up to the podium to tell us there is someone stopping by!! We could not believe it! The President of the United States! Holy Smokes!

MrPP_l  MrPT3_l 

He gave a very nice speech and was really funny too! He said he usually gets invited to state dinners, and didn’t know why his invitation didn’t come. 😀

He came around to each table. I got to talk to him! So did my mom. Here’s a funny story. When the President came by to talk she scooted her chair to make more room for him, and the chair landed on his foot!! My mom said he just pushed her chair up and held it there, and didn’t make a face or anything, just kept talking. Then, when he was done, he set her down. Oh no, my mom might have given Mr. President an injury! If she did, though, he was very calm about it!


After the President left, Rachel Crow came on stage to sing for us. She is so awesome!


I got to sing a few words too! Listen at the very end of this video! I sang in the White House!!

We all danced, including Mrs. Obama. It was so fun.

Before she left, Mrs. Obama gave me a big hug. I am the luckiest girl in the whole world. I will never, ever forget this day.


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