Campfire Banana Boats
2016-01-09 13:36:25

You can make healthy treats over a campfire too! Try these Ooey Gooey Banana boats, and experiment with toppings!
- Bananas
- Toppings, such as high quality chocolate, blueberries, sliced strawberries, nuts.
- With peel still on, slice a banana lengthwise without going all the way through.
- Stuff the banana with your toppings.
- Wrap in heavy duty foil, and place in the coals of your fire for 5 minutes.
- Very carefully, fish out the banana, open it (be careful, the steam is super hot!) and eat the ooey gooey goodness right out of the foil and banana peel.
Cook With Amber https://cookwithamber.com/