Meet My Food Tube Family

AmberEvents & Announcements3 Comments


I can’t believe I finally made it to the UK, and met the Food Tube family! I wanted to share some fun memories with you, and you’ll see right away why Food Tube is so awesome – it’s because everyone involved is super genuine, so nice, and passionate about what they do! I had the time of my life!


Videos fro my trip will be up soon, so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any!



3 Comments on “Meet My Food Tube Family”

  1. Hi Amber!!! So cool that you got to meet up with some amazing people over the summer!!!! Anyways, I have a quick question, how did you get selected to be on Jamie Oliver’s Food Tube and Family Food Tube Channels??? No matter how you got to be on them, that is SUPER awesome and congrats!!!!! I would love to hear from you, though I totally understand if you don’t have the time!!! Thanks, Mia

    1. Hi Mia! I did have an amazing summer! Actually I entered “Jaime’s Search for a foodtube star” and I made it in 4th. But then he invited m on the channel anyways! Thanks for asking! 🙂

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