The Big Day, Part 3: Organic Garden Tour, Saying Goodbye

AmberEvents & AnnouncementsLeave a Comment

July 09, 2013:

I didn’t want to leave the dining room, but it was time to head out for the organic garden tour. I had ended up with several super cool balloons, but I gave the away because there was no way to take them home.


The White House is beautiful!


Rachel Crow walked with us to the gardens. When my mom asked why she didn’t sing her hit song “Mean Girls” she said she didn’t want to bring the mood of the room down. That makes sense. She is super nice.


The garden was ver nice. It was smaller than I thought  it would be.

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They also have a beehive so they can have fresh honey!

A boy named Nicolas asked to interview me. Isn’t he super cute?! You can hear the interview here (my interview starts at 7:00).


There were men with big guns.


We got back and were exhausted! We took the Metro back into Washington D.C. to the hotel we will stay at until we go home. My mom went out to dinner to celebrate.

Look at this beautiful caesar salad! It was so yummy!

salad_l YA_l 

I just can’t believe how amazing this has been. I will never, ever, forget this trip, and all the events. I am keeping a journal so I can remember it all! It is really so awesome that the First Lady, and all these other important people think that being healthy is cool. I hope they do this event every year forever, because it is really amazing, and sends a wonderful message!


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