Give-Away Announcement for the 10-Day No-Added-Sugar Challenge!

AmberEvents & Announcements1 Comment


It’s time to announce the winner of the #Fedupchallenge give away! It is… Pey-Jing Mehrinfar!!! Congratulations!

And also congrats to every single one of you who participated! I hope you got as much out of it as I did. Thanks to you all for doing it with me and giving me so much inspiration!

Pey-Jing, please send an email to with your mailing address, and I will send the DVD to you with a personal thank you letter 😀

If you are interested in doing the 10-Day No-Added-Sugar Challenge, you still can! The Fed Up Movie team has a website where you can sign up, and get daily tips. Also, check out my list of no-added-sugar recipes!  

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